The explanation will be soon.

Usage Examples Conditional Clauses

  • I will call Jane if she doesn't come. -
  • I would take up dancing classes if I had a partner. -
  • I will choose the hotel if you are busy. -
  • They could have bought a new house if they had won that lottery. -
  • I would not have bought this bag if my mum had not lent me money. -
  • I would have finished my essay if I had started writing it earlier. -
  • If she had blonde hair, this dress would look better on her. -
  • I would go there by bus if there were any. -
  • If we don't have time today, we'll meet tomorrow. -
  • If we had bought the tickets in advance, we wouldn't have missed the train. -
  • If he was an artist, he would draw beautiful portraits. -
  • She would love to get a cat if she didn't have allergy. -
  • She would have tried the cake if she had been hungry. -
  • He would be sad if he knew that. -
  • She will help you if she can. -
  • If I lived in Australia, I would have a pet kangaroo. -
  • If I had known that before, I would have made a different decision. -
  • If she gets the grant, she will go to Cambridge. -
  • My life would change if I became rich. -
  • If the plane had not arrived late, we would not have missed the train. -
Conditional Clauses

Rules for using Conditional Clauses in English grammar with examples.