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Practice the rule
Usage Examples Verbs with prepositions
We depend on you. -
You should learn about it. -
You smile at him. -
I can hide from you. -
I'll write to her. -
They will work for me. -
I work with you. -
We apologize for him. -
You must go through it. -
We'll pay for it. -
He'll agree with you. -
They steal from us. -
She'll forget about us. -
I didn't lie to her. -
He'll go with me. -
I argue with her. -
I'll prepare for it. -
She did not write to me. -
I read about it -
They'll pay for it. -
Other rules
Passive Voice - Present Perfect
Present Perfect Continuous
Present Simple
Modal Verbs (Shall/Should)
Indefinite pronouns
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