The explanation will be soon.

Usage Examples Passive Voice - Present Simple

  • This situation is not observed in the private sector. -
  • Details are not provided in this example. -
  • The news is peppered with such stories. -
  • This anthem is used for special royal events. -
  • It is saved in the database. -
  • Why are they hidden? -
  • It is made of cloth. -
  • It is written in the book -
  • How is the award issued? -
  • It's built from scratch -
  • The girls are found. -
  • The office is closed for the weekend. -
  • Are you armed? -
  • It's hidden in that crater. -
  • How are they paid? -
  • The articles are signed. -
  • It's made of steel. -
  • Where is this place located? -
  • He is wanted by the police. -
  • The decision is made. -
Passive Voice - Present Simple

Rules for using Passive Voice - Present Simple in English grammar with examples.