This is a cheap red Chinese dress. -
She has a sweet big banana. -
She wants to have a big black German car. -
There is a dirty old black cat in the street. -
I have a tasty green apple. -
She doesn't like my grey wool sweater. -
I bought a nice yellow Turkish skirt. -
She prefers expensive Inidian tea. -
She has a nice small flat. -
This is an expensive glass table. -
I love my white wool German sweater. -
I don't have any warm winter coat. -
My sister has long black hair. -
I like this soft white sweater. -
They bought a small wooden coffee table. -
There is a tall old tree. -
There is a big new swimming pool. -
She has a cheap green Turkish dress. -
There is a great big park. -
This is an expensive grey English jacket. -