The explanation will be soon.

Usage Examples Inversion, Ellipsis, Substitution

  • Here comes the tea! -
  • I take piano lessons, and so does he. -
  • Never had he seen him that disappointed. -
  • There goes Friday. -
  • In no way was it planned. -
  • Here comes the priest! -
  • At no time was it required. -
  • Her brother is always very kind to me, and so is she. -
  • Should you have any questions, call your professor. -
  • There goes your chance to win! -
  • How much is that bag? - Fifty. -
  • Only then did he see the light. -
  • Not a word did he say to her since they broke up. -
  • You mustn't leave the house, and neither must your sister. -
  • Only then did she come closer. -
  • Only then did she look at him. -
  • No sooner did she open the door than her dog ran out. -
  • At no time did he tell me the truth. -
  • Never had I seen a person like her. -
  • By doing so you can pay less for the electricity. -