The explanation will be soon.

Usage Examples Passive Voice - Present Simple

  • Where is this place located? -
  • The picture is finished. -
  • It's made of sugar cane. -
  • He's accompanied by no one. -
  • Are you armed? -
  • It's hidden in that crater. -
  • It's not taught as a science. -
  • The walls are made of gold. -
  • Their work is closely supervised. -
  • Is war declared? -
  • It's built from scratch -
  • I guess we're not invited -
  • That information is classified. -
  • The ring is thrown into the fire. -
  • The cave is warded. -
  • It's defined in the contract. -
  • Where are they kept? -
  • These poems are published in a book. -
  • Your resignation is not accepted. -
  • Your support is greatly appreciated. -
Passive Voice - Present Simple

Rules for using Passive Voice - Present Simple in English grammar with examples.